756505241 Tüp Bebek | Prof.Dr.Birol Vural | IVF
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IVF: It is called in vitro fertilization (IVF) to ensure fertilization by bringing the sperm and egg together in a laboratory environment. It is preferred in cases with blocked tubes and without severe male factor, who cannot conceive naturally. Gonadotropins (the drug we want you to hit daily) ensure the growth of eggs in the ovary. Eggs that reach a certain maturity are cracked by giving a cracking needle and after 36 hours the eggs are collected.

Collected eggs are placed in a test tube or petri dish with culture medium and combined with sperm from the male.

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İstanbul Tüp Bebek

IVF in 3 steps

1.Egg development:It is a period of 10-12 days on average. You will shoot your own needles as you were taught and come under control. Control hours will be adjusted by our nurse according to your work schedule, so there will be no loss of workforce.

2. Egg cracking and collecting:Eggs that have reached a certain maturity are collected 36 hours after the cracking needle is shot. The collection process is performed under anesthesia and accompanied by ultrasonography. You can go home 2 hours after the procedure.

3. Embryo transfer: Collected eggs and sperms are fertilized in a laboratory environment by microinjection method. After the embryo reaches a certain maturity, the transfer is made on the 3rd or the 5th day.

How are the resulting embryos selected? What happens to the remaining embryos?

1 or 2 of the best quality embryos are transferred according to the age of the woman. The remaining embryos are frozen for later use.

19.Can we determine the gender?

This is prohibited in our country and in many other countries. It can only be used to detect a healthy fetus in the presence of genetic diseases inherited by the sex chromosome.

What are IVF success rates?

Although success rates are affected by many factors, the main determining role is the age of the woman. The average success rate of 40% decreases as the age of the woman increases.

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How old can I get pregnant?

Ovarian capacity in women decreases with age. After the age of 35, the decrease begins, and after the age of 40 it accelerates. IVF can be done up to age 44.


How are male causes diagnosed?

Sperm count is done after 3-5 days of sexual abstinence. Sperm count, motility and morphology are checked. If there is deterioration in these parameters, it is recommended to be examined by the urologist. If there are more than 1 million leukocytes in the sperm, infection treatment, if there is varicocele, testicular shrinkage, if there are problems in sexual intercourse, a urology doctor together with the assessment.


How are female factors diagnosed?

Transvaginal ultrasonography,21. day progesterone, 3rd day of menstruation FSH, AMH, HSG.

What is HSG (hysterosalphingography)?

HSG (uterine film) It is an X-ray film made to understand whether there is a blockage in the tubes in a woman diagnosed with infertility. 2-4 days after the end of menstruation, a radiopaque substance is injected into the uterus and it is investigated whether there is any obstruction and / or adhesion in the uterus and tubes.

What is AMH?

It is a test that shows your ovarian capacity. It can be done on any day of the cycle, regardless of the period. It mostly determines the response of your ovary to the given treatment. It does not determine the pregnancy rate.

What is low ovarian reserve?

 There are eggs (follicle) inside the ovaries. The female, who has 2 million eggs at birth, has 300 thousand eggs when she reaches puberty. An average of 500 eggs are used throughout its lifetime. If the egg selected in the mid-menstrual period every month is expelled and meets with the sperm, pregnancy occurs. A low number of eggs is a decreased ovarian reserve.  The response of these patients to ovulation treatments and the chance of treatment success are lower than others.

How is it diagnosed?

  1. During transvaginal ultrasonography, the number of eggs in both ovaries is measured. A total of 10-15 eggs are seen in a healthy woman . If this number is less than 5, it is said to have decreased ovarian reserve. It is one of the most reliable factors determining the ovarian reserve.

  1. FSH level: checked on the 3rd day of menstruation. If it is over 10IU/ml, it is said to be a decreased reserve. Since FSH levels fluctuate from one number to the next, it cannot always be decisive in showing the ovarian reserve.

  2. AMH level: It is one of the best factors determining the ovarian reserve. It is one of the most reliable factors determining the ovarian reserve.

  • Hormonal and functional biomarkers in ovarian response Birol Vural. Archives of Gynecology 289(6),2013 DOI: 10.1007/s00404-013-3132-1

What is a chocolate cyst (endometrioma)?

If the disease called endometriosis settles in the ovaries and a cyst forms, it is called endometrioma. It is a condition that prevents pregnancy from occurring. IVF is recommended.

Prof. Dr. Birol Vural

Telefon : 05324173292

Adres : 19 Mayıs mah. Halaskargazi cad. Kent Apt. B Blok No:170 Daire:2  34384, Şişli-İSTANBUL

© 2021 Prof. Dr. Birol Vural. Kadın Hastalıkları, Doğum ve Tüp Bebek Uzmanı. Created By Featdoor.

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